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Research Projects

Dissertation Work

More information Coming Soon for this! 


Collaborators: Heather Bailey, Joe Magliano, Gabriel "GA" Radvansky, Suzanne Porath, Ali Zakrzewski


This set of projects focuses on increasing engagement in the classroom for all students. This includes topics related to DEI-B issues and findings ways to make the classroom more inclusive for all students. 


Collaborators: Trevor Bell, Heather Bailey

Undergraduate Student Work
(also under undergraduate led research)


Thesis Work

Title: Movie Genre Preferences & Visual Attention During Movie Watching


In this line of research, I am mentoring an undergraduate to investigate how individual genre preferences may influence attentional selection while viewing film. This project is utilizing online data collection platforms and measuring viewer engagement, preferences, and attentional selection with a mouse-contingent window of clarity (e.g., and new method development to simulate eye-tracking methodology online).


Collaborators: Isabella Hubbell, Kari Payne, Lester Loschky

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We forgot to take an official conference photo, so please enjoy our recreation!

Thesis Title: How do Individual Differences Impact Attentional Selection Ability During Volitional Control Tasks in Film?

--several associated papers (see publications)


In this line of research, I aim to identify how attentional selection, while watching a film, is impacted by top-down attentional processes. This research focused on individual differences measures like cultural background, working-memory capacity, and executive-function; while focusing on how they all impacted attentional selection, comprehension, and performance measures on cognitive load tasks.


Collaborators: Lester Loschky, John Hutson, Heather Bailey, Jun Saiki, Yoshi Ueda, Yana Yu

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These are official conference photos!

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